Thursday, October 23, 2008

k punye :)

What is your ex's name?
a.k. .

Where does he/she live?
kmpung dato kramat .

How long were you together?
almost 10 months .

How long have you been broken up?
dah nak dekatt one year .

Were you married to them?
no no .

Were you engaged?
we do have our couple rings but i dont call that as engage .

Did you live together?
no wayy .

Why did you split up?
because maybe it's the time .

What do you think of your ex?
sombongg ! :(

How old is your ex?
fifteen .

What did you do to get over your ex?
find new friends and it works !

What does your family think of your ex?
mum doesnt know him as my bf but mum knows him as my school mate and mum thinks he's cute . ngehh :P

Did you and your ex have any children?
nehh .

Does he/she pay child support?
no .

Does he/she pay spousal support?
nehh .

Does your ex still live in the area?
i thinkk so .

What do you do when you see your ex?
we are friendss lahh . hey , i played volleyball with him just now and i helped him in his exam too !

Do you have any "dirt" on your ex?
as in ?

Does your ex have any "dirt" on you?
as in ?

Does your ex have any naughty pictures of you?
he ? no .

Do you have any naughty pictures of your ex?
no too .

Did you secretly keep something that was your ex's?
he knows i have something of his .

Did your ex keep something of yours?
i'm not sure .

What are your feelings about your ex currently?
friends .

Do you think you and your ex will get back together?
friends are better .

How often do you think about your ex?
haha .when ever i think of him .

Is there anything that still "bugs" you about your ex ?
something .

Does your ex have a new gf/bf?
i dont care .

What do you think of their new gf/bf?
ntah lahh .

What is one thing that you really wish about your ex?
closefriends .


Have you ever kissed a girl?
yes and yes :)

Do you like someone more than a friend?
urmm . not as in seriously but kinda lil crush ! hehe :P

Do you miss a friendship with anyone?
sort of but i try to look it in a good way though

Have you ever been in love?
in love as in pupyy love urmm . . yeah i think so . ngeee :P

Are you immature?
yes and yes :P

Does friendship mean alot to you?
so damn much !

Have you had a fight with one of your bestfriends lately?
yes . with anys :(

Whens the last time you hugged the opposite sex?
urmm . cant recall .

Do you like your school?
moderate .

What year are you in ?
form three .

Do you have a job?
studentt .

Do you go shopping often?
hahaha . ntah lahh .

Whens the next time you will see someone you hate?
dont know lahh . i dahh cube maafkann semua orang dahh . ceceyh . haha . insyallah .

Have you ever got suspended more then once?
never !

Do you have a favourite color?
pink and white .

Whats the last camp you went on?
khemah ibadah .

Do you take pictures often?
so so often !

Do your friends annoy you?
yes but i like the way they are :P

Have you stormed out of a class with anger?
yes . ngeee :P

Have you ever jumped into class or out of class out of the window?
yes ! it is funn dohh !

Have you walked into the opposites sex toilets?
haha . yes . my school's ! :P

When is your birthday?
january thirteen

Do you have any piercings or tatoos?
yes .

Do you like to party and drink?
party , yes . drink , no .

Do you smoke or have you ever tried?
yes . :P notty me !

Do you like xbox and psp like that?
urmm . no . not into that .

Do you have fake nails and if so what color are they ?
no fake nails but i do wear nail colour .

Have you ever done something you knew you werent allowed to do?
oftenly ! notty notty me ! ngahh :D

Do you like being a loud person or a quite?
loud loud loud ! :D

Are you energetic?
totally ! :P

Do you catch transport alot?
sometimes .

surfing or bodyboarding?
neither .

are you happy with your life?
i think so .

Your best friend dies, what would you do?
cry till i can cry no more .

What's on for tomorrow?
school .

What colour shirt are you wearing?
school attire .

Do you think you will be in a relationship in 3 months?
used to .

What were you doing at nine this morning?
school .

If myspace made you pay would you still use it?
no and no .

Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like?
not sure lahh . depends .

How late did you stay up last night?
nine . sick lahh :(

Are you happier now? Or three months ago? or last year?
cant choose . i tried to be happy all the time :)

Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else?
sometime .

Do you know anyone named Dave?
no .

What was your last conversation about with your bestfriend?
currently at school just now .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

merdeka weyhh.

sumpah happy.
lately x update coz bz blaja n 2days ago sebok merdeka.
kl udah di gegar.
bj pn udah.
tanjung lg la udah.
thnx for those who made my friday's amazing n saturday's super-best!
syaaaaang korng!:)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2nd of pmr

bapak susah doe!

sumpah pening.
naseb baek 2day je 4 paper.
cingai gler!
bi 1 = bley thn.
bi 2 = quite okayh..
scince 1 = i thought it was harder than paper 2. but...
science 2 = it was really damn stupid crazy hard doe! mampos gua!

calm down.
after this mmg ggar la kl tuh ye~

Monday, October 13, 2008

1st day of pmr

1st day pmr!
da 3 paper da lpas.
fiuh. lega gle!
bm 1 = agak susah r.
bm 2 = snang cket!
agame= expecte meh~ =p
so. to my friends,
selamat menduduki peperiksaan yg x seronok. baca doa sebelum buat soalan. tawaqal kepada Allah. selepas habis membuat jawapan, swemak untuk kepastian. selepas habis PMR, jom kite gegar KL!!! =)